Raising Consciousness:

Conscious Parenting Programs

help us help you

Raising children is hard enough, now they are coming out wiser and more determined!

So how do caregivers support these powerful conscious little beings in their own becoming to set them up for success?

Come learn about the:






Join this co-creative opportunity to get your questions heard as we build our conscious parenting courses with your concerns in mind.

  • Child's Eye View

    parenting sensitive & 'awake' children

    It's a struggle to keep up with kids who are wise. beyond their years or who just see the world differently. Sensitive children need to be handled differently. They are aware of way more than you think and they process information in unique ways you may not expect.

    What should be easy often isn't and what should be hard is often super easy, leaving the parents spinning their wheels always trying to catch up.

    So how do we set the parents up to set the kids up for success and bridge the gap in communication?

    Come find out about the O.R.C.A. & A.R.C.H. techniques for navigating life with a sensitive lens.

  • Parenting Consciously

    for sensitive & empathic parents

    It is a whole different world when the PARENT is the sensitive one!

    It is well known that boundaries go out the window as soon as you have a child. You are at their every beck and call and your needs take a serious back seat... if they exist at all.

    With more empathic adults coming 'online' as they awaken and come of age, it is changing the game as they try to navigate life with a tiny human who does not understand boundaries or realize how hurtful simple things can be.

    This course is to help sensitive, gifted, or empathic parents figure out how to negotiate boundaries and communicate while getting their own needs met.*

    *Course content covers whether the child is a sensitive too or not.

  • Gentle Guidance

    for mentors, teachers, support, grandparents, & aides

    It takes a village to rise a child.

    Some of us are just visitors in the lives of these special ones, but your support in helping to raise the next generation of consciousness is equally important.

    So, whether you are a teacher who needs to help a child who goes home to an unconscious household, a supportive relative who needs to honour (or compensate for) the parenting style of the primary caregivers, or the partner to a single parent who needs to find where you fit in their lives... we've got you covered!*

    *This course is for outsiders supporting a family who is doing conscious parenting AS WELL AS someone who wants to offer that to a child whose parents may have a different style.

each online course is:

  • 6 modules

45min-1hr content

(delivered online weekly)

  • 3 group coaching calls

Touchstone - mid-course/week 3,

Capstone - end of course/week 6,

Milestone - 1 month follow up

live-run September 2022 (to participate in the group calls)

online replay available on-demand on our app

Plus Mini-Courses & Workshops on:


Fostering Consciousness While Pregnant

Being the host for a powerhouse being who makes their own reality exactly how they like it can be HARD on the host. As a doula, I see situations where pregnant folks’ bodies literally change in unexpected ways that either revert after birth or cause permanent adaptations. These are happening because the tiny being you are growing needs a different reality than what we knew before, and they start their purpose right from the get-go… and your body pays the price.

So, whether you are host to a superpowered being who is terraforming you or you just want to facilitate a mindful, conscientious pregnancy that sets any baby (a sensitive or not) up for the best possible start this is the place to start.

*This is not a pregnancy support group like a ‘mommies group’, the content covered is useful for partnerships enduring pregnancy. We focus on the needs of the host (pregnant partner), the roles of a support partner, and even priming the body for pregnancy when you are just starting (before conception).

Wake Up! Up Levelling Awareness

Conscious Parenting is not just for the empathic and gifted ‘sensitives’ of the adult world. Many folks who are just starting to become aware; or are quite self-aware but have little to no comfort in the ‘new-age’ scene with their fluffy language; or they know that there is a better way beyond what their parents did for them.

They are looking to upgrade the status quo for their children, and may not have the supporting skills to intuit their way through parenting in the ‘new’ way yet appreciate the principles. It’s a hard and complicated road for everyone – children are constantly testing boundaries and rebelling against efforts made to be gentler.

For those who are new to the journey of awareness, presence, & mindfulness we have a special program that is a lot easier to access. It’s a bridge between the old and new way, that supports your efforts to learn a whole new way of being. If you don’t resonate with the new-age movement, but admire a gentler approach you’re not sure how to pull off or you believe there is a better way for your kids and are starting from scratch…

…this is your playground.

Focus Group Workshop Q&A

Oct 27, 2022 @ 7:30-9 PM

Join us at Clair-i-Tea or on Zoom Live Stream

For more details or to sign up contact @Clair-i-Tea or @StrixRynn